Thursday, October 31, 2019
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy for Veterans Essay
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy for Veterans - Essay Example Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a method of counseling that centers on the patient's future and relies on solutions to be effective. As its name indicates, it is designed to be accomplished in a shorter time frame than traditional therapies. SFBT has been used on patients suffering from depression, anxiety, trauma, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Early research indicated a success rate of 77% with an average of 2.9 sessions (Rothwell 2005 p.402). Industry sponsored research has further indicated its effectiveness that has resulted in "lasting change on average in less than 5 sessions and in up to 83% of referrals" (The Brief Therapy Practice 2003). Still, there is widespread skepticism in the scientific community. Could this brief and effective form of treatment be of benefit to veterans who are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan To answer this question, an examination of the function of SFBT and how it might be integrated into the current treatment of veterans i s essential. Soldiers returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are faced with numerous mental health issues. Approximately one-third of the veterans returning from these wars that seek medical treatment are diagnosed with a mental disorder (Fact Sheet). A major concern is the high rate of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) acquired from the intense combat conditions. PTSD rates among returning veterans is as high as 15% while another 10% have symptoms of anxiety or depression (Fact Sheet). In addition there are higher than normal rates of chronic fatigue and panic disorder. It would be important to verify if the brief approach would be effective at helping these veterans overcome these major mental health issues. In addition to the major mental health disorders, returning veterans also face a wide range of other issues that affect their mental health. There may be relationship problems when returning to a family after months of absence. To avoid seeking medical treatment, veterans may self-medicate and develop a substance abuse problem. Wounded veterans face reintegrating into a civilian world with a life long disability. In addition they face the problems of relocation, isolation, and unemployment. A brief look at these issues and an evaluation of current treatment methods may be able to shed some light on the usefulness of brief therapy. The term Brief Solution-Focused Therapy (SFBT) is a broad term that encompasses many forms of the treatment. For the purposes of this paper, SFBT is defined as being brief, less than 16 weeks, and focused on a positive outcome through a sequence of changes in behavior and expectations. It is closely associated with Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Family and Marital therapy. Results of previous research using these alternative methods may infer some potential for SFBT. Brief Solution-Focused Therapy (SFBT) an Overview SFBT was originally developed as a short-term psychotherapy approach at the Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee in the late 1970s. Rather than focusing on problems and the basis for emotion, it focuses on the solution. Attention is drawn to goals rather than obstacles and strengths rather than weaknesses. Solution-focused therapists do not make diagnoses, try to promote insight, or analyze the past. Instead they encourage the client to recognize and implement alternatives. SFBT has been used for the treatment of alcohol and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Black people in south africa in the 90 s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Black people in south africa in the 90 s - Essay Example Though the transfer and sharing of political power is long a matter of the past, the leveling of economic disparities among the non-White peoples of South Africa remains an elusive and as yet unrealized goal. Africa in general, though South Africa in particular, has in the last twenty years been a testing ground for a variety of programs and initiatives to heal racial divisions and remedy racial and social inequities. â€Å"At a more general level, there is Africa’s role in the broad redefinition of international morality and law. Africa, perhaps more than any other continent, has helped to make domestic racism in a particular society an issue of international relevance†(Mazrui 304). The paradox is such that though South Africa led the way in redressing the political wrongs left by colonialism, it has largely faltered in fixing the socio-economic ones. It is that disparity which stands before us here. The Union of South Africa was formed into a dominion of the British Empire in 1910, whereupon racial segregation and economic isolation became an institutionalized policy of the white-dominated government (South Africa 1998). Looking back, this was by far the decision which would have the greatest consequences upon the future of the country. Even if the ways and means whereby race-based economic disparities continued to plague South Africa’s black population throughout the 1990’s were as widespread as the disparities themselves, one area for which the country should receive praise is in the realm of literacy rates and infant mortality. By 2000 literacy rates had risen from their pre-1991 level of some 77% to approximately 88% of the population, a marked increase. This successfully solved the lack of basic reading skills in those members of the population who had until then been ignored or denied basic access to education. As well, infant mortality levels have dropped f rom 49% in 1990 to 46% in 2007, a change which can be directly attributed
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Socrates Decision Live Or Die Philosophy Essay
Socrates Decision Live Or Die Philosophy Essay Socrates was a Greek philosopher, whose teachings marks are a shift in philosophy from dealing with nature and the world to consider the person. Socrates was sentenced to death for corrupting the youth and because of the disrespect of the Gods. His work is the turning point of ancient philosophy. His method of analysis of concepts and the identification of virtue and knowledge, he sent the attention of philosophers to the unconditional value of human personality. Socrates received a broad education. He was married to a woman named Xanthippe. He also took an active part in public life of Athens. As well, he participated in the Peloponnesian War. Socrates also was a teacher and older friend of the Athenian politician and military leader Alcibiades. In 399 BC., he was charged that he does not honor the Gods, which the city honors, and introduces a new deity, and responsible for the fact that he corrupts the youth. As a free Athenian citizen, was not subjected to punishment, and he took poison (the widespread legend, the infusion of hemlock, but judging by the symptoms hemlock was spotted). Socrates was the first public Greek philosopher: his studies he spent on the streets, crowds filled diversified: traders, soldiers, artisans, aristocrats and the homeless. He quickly gained popularity among the Athenians, although the eccentricity of the philosopher became the subject of ridicule, even among educated people. Simultaneously Socrates corrupts the youth by offering reliable ways to avoid punishment for infractions, including adultery. Thus he reflected the two vices: disrespect for the gods and corrupting youth. It is also said that Socrates did not simply deny the power of the Gods, but also has his own god, whose voice is being heard, but under the circumstances, only the priest has the right to communicate with the Gods. It was believed that Socrates is guilty of disbelief in the Gods recognized by the state, and that the policy is introduced in the new god. He is also guilty of corrupting youth. Proposed penalty: death. Accusations of atheism were not something new in Athens Socrates did not wanted to do give up his point of view, and he wished not to leave Athens. The centerpiece was the molestation of accusation of youth. Athenian law required to defend a person who was accused. Considering that Socrates spoke without prepared speeches. The speech was a conversation with judges and he did not try to convince them. The jury stopped the indignant cries of speech and voted this way: Socrates is guilty. Nevertheless, this decision became final sentence; he could pay the fine or still leave the city. Socrates refused to reappear as otherwise agreed with a prosecution. It is known that the disciples of Socrates prepared his escape from prison, but Socrates did not respond to the offer of his sincere friends. Moreover, he said a long monologue about what a citizen, even wrongfully convicted, I cannot respond to evil with evil. Socrates was punished by society. People like Socrates, could not escape punishment because they were loners and nobody can impose his will. Socrates was given poison. He was lying in bed, and beside him, a man was preparing a poisonous mixture. The sun was setting. The court appointed the exact time of execution of punishment, but the man somehow delayed. In the end, Socrates could not resist: Time passes; the sun goes down, why you wait?  It seemed incredible that a man condemned to death could stop worrying so much about that his execution took place in a timely manner. On the contrary, the poor should be grateful for the delay. Executioner loved Socrates. He had heard his statement in court and felt deep sympathy for the thinker. Socrates, was the wisest of all the inhabitants of Athens. Delay in preparing the penalty would allow the philosopher to live a little longer. However, Socrates said urging: Hurry. Bring the poison. Feeding poison to Socrates, the man asked: Why are you so impatient? I can see how your face glows, I see your eyes burn. Do not you understand whats going on? You will die now! Socrates responded: I am interested in death. I have known life. It was beautiful, despite all the turmoil and suffering, I got pleasure from it. Just breathe and have fun. Ive lived, Ive loved, I did what I wanted to do, I said everything I wanted to say. Now I want to taste death and the sooner t he better. There are only two options: either my soul will live on in other forms, as they say Oriental mysticism, and this is an exciting event to continue the journey without the gravity of the body. Body is a close cell, it is very restricted in his movements. And the second option is if the materialists are right, then after the death, there would be nothing left. It is also exciting not to exist! I know what it means to be, and now the time has come to find out what it means not to be. And if I do not exist, then there is nothing to worry about! These things can only be said by the person who loves himself. Socrates took responsibility even for his death: the court could not blame him for anything, it was only a social bias, prejudice, mediocre people who were not able to understand the great insights of the mind of Socrates, but there was a majority and they voted for the death penalty. They could not fend off any of his argument. I guess they did not even realize what he was saying, the responses could not be considered. He refuted all their arguments. However, in decisions that were taken collectively, Athens was a democratic city, so the situation was considered a general meeting, which was recognized and reduced the risk of a person deserving death. The judges were a little wiser; they offered the choice to Socrates: If you leave the city and vowed that you would never come back, youll be able to avoid death. If you want to stay in Athens, then stop talking and lapse into silence. In this case we also would be able to persuade people to save your life. Either tomorrow at sunset you drink poison. Choose what you prefer. Socrates replied: I am ready to take the poison tomorrow or today when it will be ready. But I cannot stop telling the truth. If I live, I will continue to tell the truth till my last breath. But I cannot leave Athens in the name of own salvation, or else Ill always feel like a coward, who escaped death, and not taking responsibility for what happens. I have lived in harmony with my thoughts, feelings and heart and want to die peacefully. And do not feel guilty. No one is responsible for my death, except myself. I knew it would happen, for speaking the truth in a society based on lies, deception, illu sion, is like to seek your own death. Do not blame these poor people, who decided on my death. If someone is responsible, then it is only me. I want you all to know that I lived, taking responsibility for my life, and I die, taking responsibility for my death. I was a maverick in my life. And I remain a maverick in the face of death. No one took me for solutions, and I myself have made my choice. Many friends tried to persuade Socrates to escape, but he was adamant to perform absurd decision of the Athenian court, in order to remain faithful to the laws of his native city. I think that Confucius would condemn Socrates decision. Confucius supported life, truth, rituals, traditions, wisdom and sincerity. The ideal of Confucianism is to create a harmonious society in the ancient pattern, in which every person has its function. Harmonious society is built on the idea of loyalty loyalty to the relationship between bosses and subordinates, aimed at preserving the harmony and most of this society. Confucius formulated the golden rule of ethics: Do not make the man what you do not wish for yourself. That is why, in my opinion, Confucius would approve if Socrates admitted some mistakes and changes his mind and continued to bring harmony in the community, as he was a very wise person. The city needed him and many people needed him too, but they were afraid to admit it. Moral obligation, as they materialize in the ritual, becomes a matter of upbringing, education and culture. These concepts Confucius has not divided. All of them are included in the content category wen (originally the word meant a person with painted body, tattoos). Wen can be interpreted as the cultural meaning of human existence, like education. This is not a secondary artificial creation of a man and not his primary natural layer, not book-learning and not natural, but their organic blend. Confucius also supported any activity that was useful for the community, its development, its traditions and prosperity. Kind intentions and justice are one of the constancies of a righteous man, supported by Confucius. Many people judge the decision of Socrates, saying he had a choice, he did it wrong and he had to live if he could choose it. Others think that if he has chosen this decision, then it meant a lot to him, he did not suffer because of it and he was very interested in w hat would happen after death. If Socrates acted this way, then he knew what he exactly wanted, it was his own decision and he did not blame anyone in that. Although Socrates had power to change the Law of Athens, he decided to obey this unjust law, may be to show people how ridiculous it is, to show them the real injustice and to show how miserably these people lived obeying everything, and not choosing their way of life. The most important thing is that Socrates had a choice, he was a very wise man and he perfectly understood the options he had. He has been thinking a lot and he has chosen his way himself, choosing to take the poison and to find out what the death was like. Probably Socrates acted in this situation by obeying the state laws, and also choosing this way himself, with a choice to die this way or later. May be it was important to Socrates to have choice and to choose himself his death, not blaming anyone and at the same time, not committing a suicide, just obeying the states law. In this case an unjust law of Athens. The thing that is obvious is that Socrates did not want to preserve his life, he had intentions to find out more and more, and maybe he already knew too much about life, about the limits we have in life and about the rules we invent and obey, that he was interested in other things. He may have considered new experience interesting, outrageous and useful for him, which will not have the boundaries and limits and could open new ways of existence or even the better life after death. All in all, I think that Socrates was not right to obey the orders of the state of Athens to take poison. He should he have acted to preserve his own life by choosing exile or escaping, as it was more important to save his own life, than to obey the orders. But, it was his decision and he did not blame anyone and the important fact is that Socrates had a choice and he considered to take poison as a right decision for himself.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
The play The Good Woman of Setzuan was written by Bertolt Brecht. He started writing it in 1938 but it wasn’t completed until 1943. The play begins with a water seller named Wong who is out trying to sell his product. While working, he meets three gods. The gods have been searching the earth for a good person who lives by their guidelines. However, they find only vagrants and sinners. Wong tells them about a prostitute who â€Å"can’t†say no, and is likely to do any good deed asked. Wong introduces the gods to the prositut, Shen Te, and find that she is good. By the fact that Shen Te gave them a play to stay for the night even though it lost her some money. Given that they find Shen Te to be good the gods reward her with money that she uses to buy a tobacco shop.She also allows homeless families to live in the shop. Her kindness is impressive to the gods and others, but her shop quickly becomes overcrowded, messy, and low on money. Then one day Shen Te’s mysterious cousin, Shui Ta shows up. Shui Ta kicks out the people living in the shop and returns it back into a profit-earning business. However, the audience is aware that Shui Ta is really Shen Te in a mask. Eventually Shen Te returns and continues her her good deeds. As time progresses, word of the â€Å"good woman of setzuan†spreads and more people come to the tobacco shop looking for help. As more people demand Shen Te’s charity, Shui Ta shows up more and more often. Shui Ta starts coming around so frequently that he is able to grow the business into a large tobacco shop with many employees. Shui Ta is not the only man trying to help Shen Te. Shen Te meets a pilot named Yang Sun. Shen Te like him but her friends do not. They would rather she date the local baker who... ...nkrupt and Shen Te would be unable to help anyone. At the same time, if Shui Ta grows the business larger, Shen Te would be able to help even more people. This is evident as the story progresses. As more people come to Shen Te for help, Shui Ta appears more often to create a larger shop. This is because a larger shop means helping more people. During one of the meetings between Wong and the gods, they discuss the rules put into place. The gods almost admit that they’re system isn’t perfect, but they do admit that it is difficult to manage. At the end of the trial, the gods finally sympathize with the bad moralities needed in this world by allowing Shui Ta to exist part time. This brings out the deeper questions in life like â€Å"why are we here?†and â€Å"who are we?†. At first glance, this story seems a little silly and farfetched, but upon deeper analysis we see the moral
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Analysis of Bao-yu’s dream in Cao Xueqin’s ‘Story of the Stone’ Essay
The Story of the Stone by Cao Xueqin is an animated, lively account of life in a large Chinese household in the mid-18th century Qing dynasty. It remains a fascinating novel for modern readers with its vivid and detailed descriptions of the minutiae of daily life – from clothing, food and interior design to education, marriage and death. For all its realism however, The Story of the Stone is not set entirely in reality. The very premise of the whole tale, that of a single rock left out of the goddess Nu-wa’s repairing of the sky, is one based on a magico-religious dream world. The rock is found by a Buddhist and a Taoist who take it down to the mortal world where it lives out a human life, that of Jia Bao-yu, before attaining Nirvana. Once a rock again, a Taoist copies the inscription on its surface †from beginning to end and took it back with him to look for a publisher†. Cao Xueqin’s emphasis on dreams can be seen in the alternative titles for his m asterpiece. A Dream of Red Mansions is the title by which the book is perhaps most commonly known. Twelve Young Ladies of Jinling is also a title suggested in chapter one. Both of these titles refer to the same dream. As David Hawkes explains, ‘hong lou’, red mansion, has the more specialised meaning of the residences of the daughters of rich men and thus, the young ladies themselves. The dream alluded to in these appellations occurs in the fifth chapter of volume one, The Golden Days. Cousin Zhen’s wife, You-shi, has invited the women of the Rong-guo house, accompanied by Bao-yu, round for a flower viewing party. Needless to say, Bao-yu soon tires and asks to take a nap. Rather than going back to the Rong mansion, the wife of his nephew, Jia Rong, leads him to her chamber to sleep. Bao-yu immediately drops off into a vivid dream world. He meets the fairy of Disenchantment who shows him to the Land of Illusion and into the Department of the Ill-Fated Fair. Within this department is housed the ‘Jinling, Twelve Beauties of, Main Register’, a record of the twelve most notable females in Bau-yu’s own province of Jinling. The fairy of Disenchantment allows Bao-yu to read the fates of the twelve girls as recorded in the form of four-line verses. Bao-yu can make little sense of what he reads. Later, the quatrains are expanded into a series of twelve songs entitled A Dream of Golden Days. While the words are sung by a troupe of entertainers, Bao- yu reads along with the manuscript. He still does not understand. Indeed, both the verses in the register and in the song-cycle contain allusions and metaphors not immediately obvious and not easily deciphered. Yet at a most basic level, they provide an outline of the fate of twelve principle female characters in The Story of the Stone. Their fate unfolds throughout the course of the five volume novel. The Golden Days therefore, is only the beginning. But, by the end of the first volume, to what extent have the women already prepared the way for their future course? The first verse in the Main Register is a joint record of Lin Dai-yu and Xue Bao-chai. These two young girls share the affection of Bao-yu and Grandmother Jia. In their own individual ways, they are both paragons. It seems odd therefore that they share only one verse between them. Hawkes puts forward the argument that Dai-yu and Bao-chai †represent two complementary aspects of a single ideal woman†. Evidence for this interpretation lies in the first two lines of their quatrain: One was a pattern of female virtue, One a wit who made other wits seem slow. The combination of wit, or intelligence, and virtue were ideal traits in a Qing woman of the upper class. Arguably it was Dai-yu who held the upper hand in wit while Bao-chai, with her †generous and accommodating disposition†, was the more virtuous. Although in the song-cycle there are two songs for Dai-yu and Bao-chai, it is not the case that one is dedicated to Dai-yu and one to Bao-chai. Albeit the second so ng is solely about Dai-yu, but there are references to both characters in the first song. The character ‘lin’ in Lin Dai-yu is made up of two tree radicals and has the meaning ‘forest’. ‘Xue’ in Xue Bao-chai sounds the same as the Chinese word for ‘snow’ while ‘bao chai’ can be translated as ‘precious’ or ‘gold hairpin’. Thus, the references come in the form of gold, flowers, snow and trees. Bao-yu is alluded to using jade or stone as he was born with a jade stone in his mouth. The first song, The Mistaken Marriage, refers to †the marriage rites of gold and jade†. This foreshadows the marriage of Bao-chai (gold) and Bao-yu (jade). The speaker however, still remembers the relationship between ‘stone and flower’. There is indeed, a special bond between Bao-yu and Dai-yu. Although Bao-yu, †a child†¦whom nature had endowed with the eccentric obtuseness of a simpleton†, fails to recognise it, Dai-yu is an intensely jealous character and resents any time he spends with Bao-chai and not her. Bao-yu struggles to understand the cause of Dai-yu’s mainly irrational sulks, yet always attempts to comfort her: Take kinship first: you are my cousin on Father’s side; cousin Bao is only a mother-cousin. That makes you much the closer kin. And as for length of acquaintance: it was you who came here first. You and I have practicaly grown up together†¦Why should I ever be any less close to you because of her? There is a profound love between Bao-yu and Dai-yu that seems to grow with the progression of the first volume. They share an understanding †so intense that it was almost as if they had grown into a single person.†The speaker suggests however, that later on Dai-yu (†that fairy wood†) dies. Thus, even a wife †so courteous and so kind†as Bao-chai is no substitute for the wife that Dai-yu could have been. Their marriage, even though †others all commend it†, is a mistake. This is succeeded by Hope Betrayed which deals specifically with the close relationship between Dai-yu (†a flower from paradise†) and Bao-yu (†a pure jade without spot or stain†). They are clearly meant for each other but the poem augurs future disaster. The pain heartache that stems from such an ardent love will all be in vain. In one sense these two poems pose an insurrmountable contradiction. Fate, the belief in which provides the premise for this entire dream scene, will have them be together but they are not. They are meant to be but cannot and this inability is portrayed as some kind of mistake, a going against the natural order. Is there then, even such a thing as fate? This question aside, it can be seen that, in the case of Dai-yu and Bao-chai, their journey has barely begun by the end of The Golden Days. Their relationship with Bao-yu is entirely platonic (physically at least) and, although it is perhaps assumed that one of them, most likely Dai-yu, will be be Bao-yu’s future bride, this is only hinted at in jest among the maids and is a source of great embarassement to Dai-yu. The second quatrain and the third poem can be interpretted as Yuan-chun’s fate. Yuan-chun, daughter of Lady Wang and Jia Zheng, is Bao-yu’s elder sister. The first two lines describe her, age twenty, leaving her family to live in the emperor’s palace as a royal concubine. As can be seen by the subsequent effort put into a lavish garden compund in honour fo her visit, this was a posi tion held in great esteem. Although out of modesty, Yuan-chun later changes the name, the setting for her reunion with her family within Prospect Garden initially bears the inscription ‘Precinct of the Celsetial Visitant’. Hence perhaps, the use of the phrase †pomegranate-time†. Hawkes stresses the †redness’ of the original Chinese text, the colour red being a symbol of good-fortune and prosperity. Although much of this sense has inevitably been lost in translation, the red skin of the pomegranate could perhaps be taken as emphasising the great advantages such a position could bestow on both concubine and family. The second half of the quatrain however, does not bode so well for the future. Although Yuan-chun is superior if not in beauty and intelligence then in success to her half-sister Tan-chun and her cousins, Ying-chun and Xi-chun (the †three springs†), her charmed life will come to an end †when hare meets tiger†. Hare and tiger refer to Chinese years. Thus, this prophecy specifies that the date of Yuan-chun’s death will fall at the end of a tiger year and at the beginning of a rabbit year. The third song, Mutability, again prophesises Yuan-chun’s departure from the Rong-guo household to the emperor’s palace. It goes on to describe her appearing before her parents in a dream to pay her †final duty†, forewarning again of her death. By the end of The Golden Days Yuan-chun has indeed left home to become a royal concubine. Although the location of the Jia clan in The Story of the Stone is questionable, it is clear that Yuan-chun and he r family feel cut off from each other in spirit if not by physical distance. Their reunion in chapter eighteen is an emotional one and although the emperor allows visits in the palace once a month, special permission must be granted for a once-yearly return to the family home. It is for this reason, †so far the road back home did seem†, that Yuan-chun will be forced to pay her final filial duties in a dream. (Hawkes points out that this dream sequence never in fact took place. He suggests that Xueqin used the material for this episode in chapter thirteen instead, when Qin-shi appears before Xi-feng in a dream.) Tan-chun, half-sister to Yuan-chun, one of the †three springs†referred to above and daughter of Jia Zheng and a concubine, is the subject of the fourth quatraine in the Main Register. She is †by far the most gifted of the three springs†as well as possessing a kind, generous nature. The first line, †Blessed with a shrewd mind and a noble heart†, is countered however, by the second, †Yet born in time of twilight and decay†. Although The golden Days is essentially a story set in the happy, carefree years of childhood, the bigger picture reveals a time of political and social upheaval, a sense of which permeates many aspects of the novel. Tan-chun’s prophesised marriage in the final two lines will thus perhaps be related to economic considerations. The marriage will clearly not be a happy one. The very title of the fourth song, From Dear Ones Parted, suggests the insuperable distance between Tan-chun and her home and her intense homsickness. The song has Tan-chun referring to †our rising, falling†, meaning the rise and fall of the Jia family. As a result of this, †each in another land must be, each for himself must fend as best he may†, again suggesting that the marriage will be one of economic convenience. Apa rt from allusions to her wit and good character, we learn little about Tan-chun in the first volume of The Story of the Stone. There are however, hints to be found as to her fate. In chapter 22, she attends Grandmother Jia’s riddle party. Asked to compose a riddle, the answer to Tan-chun’s is ‘a kite’. This image of a kite as associated with Tan-chun symbolizes her departure †a thousand miles†away, her flight from the nest. Her riddle also foreshadows her unhappiness once in the marriage: My strength all goes when once the bond is parted, And on the wind I drift off broken hearted. This description of drifting off in the wind ties in with the suggestion in the song that she will be taken to her new husband by boat †through rain and wind†. Like Tan-chun, relatively little reference is made to Shi Xiang-yun, the subject of the fourth quatrain and fifth song. She is the daughter of Grandmother Jia’s brother’s son. Orphaned as a young girl, she first lived with Grandmother Jia before moving in with her uncle, Shi Ding, and his wife. It seems from both the register and the song, that Xiang-yun is destined to find the man of her dreams, †a perfect, gentle husband†. But happiness will be fleeting: Soon you must mourn your bright sunâ€⠄¢s early setting. The Xiang flows and the Chu clouds sail away. The Xiang was a river flowing through the ancient kingdom of Chu. This was believed to be home to a goddess of lovers. But soon †the clouds of Gao-tang faded, the waters of the Xiang ran dry.†This suggests another calamity, perhaps the sudden death of her husband. There is no intimation of Xiang-yun’s fate in The Golden Days. The main scene involving her is one of comic relief as Dai-yu teases her about her lisp and Xiang-yun responds good-humouredly. The impression created is of a happy-go-lucky, lively young girl, quite a contrast from the rather intense and moody Dai-yu. This is best illustrated in Xueqin’s description of them asleep: Dai-yu was tightly cocooned in a quilt of apricot-coloured damask, the picture of tranquil repose. Xiang-yun, by contrast, lay with her hank of jet black hair tumbled untidily beside the pillow, a white arm with its two gold bracelets thown carelessly outside the bedding and two white shoulders exposed above the peach-pink coverlet, which barely reached her armpits. ‘A tomboy, even in her sleep!’ Bao-yu muttered†¦ The sixth woman included in the register is the only one of the twelve who is not a member of the Jia family. Adamantina nevertheless lives among them in Prospect Garden after Yuan-chun issues an edict stating that the garden is not to be closed up. She is a nun and this is reflected in the descriptions of her †otherworldliness†and her †grace and wit to match the gods†that set her †with the rest at odds. Nauseous to [her] the world’s rank diet.â⠂¬ Her final destination however, is clearly one of disrepute. In both the quatrain and the song, she ends up in the mud, impure and shameful. The fact that down here, †only wealthy rakes might bless their luck†suggests that Adamantina will end her days as perhaps a prostitute. By the end of The Golden Days however, she is still a nun who †looks down on common flesh and blood†The seventh of the Twelve Beauties of Jinling is Ying-chun, the eldest of the three springs. She is Jia She’s daughter by a concubine. With the arrival of Dai-yu and Bao-chai, the three springs are relugated to a secondary position in Grandmother Jia’s affections. Ying-chun is thus a rather underdeveloped character in The Golden Days. The sixth entry in the register and the seventh poem both suggest that she will be married off to a violent, unfaithful and cruel bully. There is no hint of this fate in the first volume of the novel. The Golden Days gives away equally little about the subject of the next quatrain and song, Xi-chun. Sister of Cousin Zhen and the youngest of the three springs, seems destined to seek release †from youth’s extravagance†and †to win chaste quietness and heavenly peace†by becoming a Buddhist nun. Wang Xi-feng on the other hand, wife of Jia Lian and cousin to Bao-yu, plays a far more prominent role in The Golden Days. She is a very strong character, a feminist role-model. She has all the qualities of the ideal wife with her managerial prowess and defere nce to her elders, and yet she always manages to be on top. This combination of cunning and virtue can best be seen in the chapters dealing with Qin-shi’s funeral. Having been relegated posthumously to the status of a Noble Dame, the funeral is a grand affair. The sheer cost and man-power involved is staggering and Xi-feng is put in charge of it all. Nevertheless, she manages it with †the decisiveness of a little general†. On the night of the wake, her maturity and superior social skills are further demonstrated when it is left entirely to her to do the honours. Xi-feng’s vivacious charm and social assurance stood out in striking contrast†¦She was in her element, and if she took any notice of her humbler sisters it was only to throw out an occassional order or to bend them in some other way to her imperious will. This can be juxtaposed with the episode in the next chapter when, after the funeral, Xi-feng, Bao-yu and Qin-zhong spend the night in the Water-moon Priory. The prioress Euergesia, catching Xi-feng alone, tells her the story of a benefactor of the priory called Zhang. He is desperate to call off his daughter’s engagement to the son of a captain in the Chang-an garrison. The captain however, is being thoroughly unreasonable and refusing to take back the betrothal-gifts. Euergesia beseeches Xi-feng to use her unfluence to get Jia Zheng to write a letter to General Yun asking h im to †have a word with†the captain because †It is hardly likely that he would refuse to obey his commading officer.†Xi-feng coyly turns her down until Euergesia questions Xi-feng’s ability. Xi-feng ‘relents’ and agrees to take part for the the not so small sum of three thousand taels of silver. Xi-feng is clearly fiscally-minded and savvy, never one to let an opportunity for profit slip by. The hush-hush manner in which this matter of the captain is broached also suggests that it is rather shady business. Yet, any qualms Xi-feng feigns to have about getting involved seem to be easily forgotten. Xi-feng is indeed, as the ninth song states, †too shrewd by half†. She is too focused on self-advancement but with the fall of the Jia family later in The Story of the Stone, Xi-feng’s plotting and manouevering will all come to nothing: Like a great building’s tottering crash, Like flickering lampwick burned to ash†¦ Although the exact nature of Xi-feng’s future is not specified, it is clear that it is not a bright one. She will, as the title of the ninth song says, be †caught by her own cunning†. Although we see none of her decline in The Golden Days, there are hints of a fall to come. When Qin-shi appears to her in a dream, she warn s Xi-feng of the future fall of the Jai family as a whole. She quotes a proverb: †The higher the climb, the harder the fall.†Could this be referring equally to Xi-feng as to the family? Is there a reason why Qin-shi appears before Xi-feng specifically? The tenth Beautiy of Jinling, interestingly enough, does not even appear in the first volume. Qiao-jie, daughter of Xi-feng, nevertheless has some sort of trouble ahead of her. It seems that no one will be spared pain and grief as the Jia family declines. The penultimate Beauty included on the Main Register is Li Wan, mother of Jia Lan. Li Wan was married to Jia Zhu, brother of Bao-yu. Jia Zhu died before the start of the novel as implied by the third line in the eleventh song, ††¦the pleasures of the bridal bed†soon fled. The quatrain suggests that their son, Jia Lan, †her Orchid†, will be successful. The song goes further to describe the †awesome sight†of †the head with cap and bands of office on, and gleaming bright upon his breast the gold insignia†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Jia Lan will later pass the civil service exam and become a high official. It is perhaps slightly far-fetched but one of the few mentions of Jia Lan comes in chapter nine, set in the Jia clan school house. As for Li Wan, there is no hint that †the black night of death’s dark frontier lay close at hand.†It would seem that she tragically dies after her son’s appointment. Finally, there is Qin-shi, the twelfth Beauty of Jinling. She is the young wife of Jia Rong but dies of a mysterious unidentified disease half way through The Gol den Days. Of all the women, Qin-shi is the only one whose whole fate is played out in the course of the first volume. It does not, however, run according to plan. Both the quatrain and the song, The Good Things Have an End, explicitly express that she will hang herself. The most likely reason for her suicide is the family’s discovery of her incestuous affair with her father-in-law, cousin Zhen: Say not our troubles all from Rong’s side came; For their beginning Ning must take the blame. Indeed, there are indications of such intrigue. A drunken servant lets slip, in a fit of rage, †Father-in-law pokes in the ashes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The reader is clearly meant to take note of this comment, as Bao-yu subsequently questions Xi-feng as to it’s meaning. Xi-feng is quick in quashing any ideas Bao-yu may have on the subject and †terrified by her vehemence, Bao-yu implored her forgiveness.†There is obviously something to hide. Cousin Zhen’s hysterical reaction after her death is also a sign that their relationship was not as it seemed. He is inconsolable, proclaiming: †Now that she has been taken from us it’s plain to see that this senior branch of the family is doomed to extinction!†The poem accordingly, states that her death, †the ruin of a mighty house protended.†Qin-shi’s suicide does not however, take place and she instead dies of natural causes. A reason for this discrepancy is put foward by Hawkes. While Xueqin did originally have Qin-shi hanging herself †from painted beams†, a notation by one of the commentators on the original manuscript states that her †ordered†Xueqin to remove the scene. Xueqin reluctantly did so but, unenthusiastic about the change, failed to make the necessary alterations to the rest of the text. Having examined the fates of the Twelve Beauties of Jinling as expressed in the Main Register of the Department of the Ill Fated Fair and in the fairy of Disenchantment’s song cycle, it becomes immediately obvious that tradgedy lies ahead. With the decline of the Jia family will come a decline in the fortunes of each of the women. It is also clear that by the end of the first volume of The Story of the Stone the story has, in fact, barely begun. The Jia household is still powerful and rich, the child heros are still young and and insouciant, these are still the golden days.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Single Parenthood: Literature Review
Single Parenthood: Literature Review2 This paper will look at the different research that has already been conducted on single parenthood. Possible research topics could be how single-parent families differ in their structure or financially, in contrast to households with two parents. Articles may also discuss the impact of single parent households on children, in terms of psychological impact, academic results, social and financial standings using statistics found in their research. By looking at articles done through American and Canadian research, it can be determined what research is missing, what the articles lack and possible suggestions to improve the substance of the materials listed. Economic Viewpoint In each article , different points were made about the financial hardships that children from single-parent households may experience and how it was much more likely they would experience them in comparison to children raised in a household with two parents. Lisa Calderwood, from London University’s Institute of Education, says, â€Å"Living apart from natural fathers can be associated with poverty and negative outcomes for children. †(Calderwood, 2010). Though not all single-parents are mothers, but Tim Casey, a senior staff attorney at Legal Momentum,( the U. S. ’ oldest organization advocating on behalf of the legal rights of women and girls. )â€Å"Employment isn’t keeping U. S. ingle parents  more than 80 percent of whom are single mothers  out of poverty. †(Casey, 2012). Here it states that not only are the majority of single parents single mothers, but that the income provided to these mothers is generally still not enough to keep them above the poverty line even though, â€Å"single mothers in the U. S. are employed more hours and yet have much higher poverty rates than their peers in other high-income countries. †(Casey, 2012). Single Parenthood: Literature Review 3 Paul Amato, a Professor of Sociology and Demography at The Pennsylvania State University, makes a good point saying due to lack of funds, â€Å"It is difficult for poor single parents to afford the books, home computers, and private lessons that make it easier for their children to succeed in school. †(Amato, 2005). This is a direct linkage with the academic success of children from single-parent families, which will be discussed later in the essay. Amato makes several good points, also saying, â€Å"they cannot afford clothes, shoes, cell phones, and other consumer goods that give their children status among their peers. (2005) Again this is in direct correlation with self-esteem issues that are more common in children raised by single parents. â€Å"Consistent with these observations, many studies have shown that economic resources explain some of the differences in well-being between children with single parents and those with continuously married parents. †(Amato, 2005). Amato makes the observation that many differences between children raised in single-parent households versus children raised with both parents can be explained by the financial difference brought on by a single income. An article stating that â€Å"Children raised by single mothers are twice as likely to misbehave as those born into traditional two-parent families†, (Paton, 2010), also says that â€Å"studies have found children raised by lone mothers are likely to have less economic security†(Calderwood, 2010)which the article implies influences the behaviour of the child raised in said type of household here: â€Å"parental qualifications and household income had a major effect on children’s behaviour at a young age, which could have â€Å"damaging long-term consequences. After looking at the findings from the different sources, it can be said that it is a fact that single-parent households are worse off financially than households with both parents. This is not only for the parents taking care of their children, but for the academic and social development of the children as stated by Amato (2005). Single Parenthood: Literature Review4 Academic Viewpoint Academically, the studies provide information which states that children from single-parent families do worse academically than those raised by both parents. They are twice as likely to drop out of high school, 2. 5 times as likely to become teen mothers, and 1. 4 times as likely to be idle. †(McLanahan , 2001). Here, Sara McLanahan states that studies have shown that children raised by single parents are more likely to drop out of high school, more likely to become teen parents and more likely to be out of school and without a job. As mentioned earlier by Paul Amato (2005), children raised by single parents cannot afford many things that could greatly benefit them in school such as â€Å"books, home computers, and private lessons. †(Amato, 2005). Paul Amato also states â€Å"In a meta-analysis of sixty-three studies of non-resident fathers and their children, Joan Gilbreth and I found that children had higher academic achievement when non-resident fathers were closely involved in their lives. †(Gilbreth & Amato, 2005). In her article, Sara McLanahan says that family disruption is not the same in all families and risk of failure in school varies among different American nationalities: â€Å"Family disruption increases the risk of school failure by 24 percentage points among Hispanics, 17 percentage points among whites, and 13 percentage points among blacks. (McLanahan, 2001). This is a pattern that is also consistent when it comes to dropping out. â€Å"Behavioural problems were less likely among children living in families with higher levels of parental qualifications. †(Calderwood, 2010) Here, Lisa Calderwood discusses behavioural problems among children raised in single-parent families, especially when it c omes to academics and found that these types of issues were more frequent in children raised by a lone parent. Single Parenthood: Literature Review5 In a chart from the National Study of Adolescent Health (1995), statistics can still show how there is a visible difference in the patterns of children raised by a lone parent, versus children raised by two. Nineteen percent of children raised by two parents had repeated a grade, compared to 30 percent of those raised by a single parent had repeated a grade, (1995). The chart shows this, as well as other categories such as, violence, delinquency, suspended, attended therapy, had smoked in the past month, attempted suicide and had thoughts of suicide. In each of the categories, the percentage of children who had done these things from a single parent household, was consistently higher than the percentages of those raised by both parents. (National Study of Adolescent Health , 1995). Emotional Nina Parry-Langdon , the author of a report done by the Department for Health and The Scottish Government, finds that â€Å"Children from broken homes are almost five times more likely to develop emotional problems than those living with both parents. †(Parry-Langdon, 2008). She specifies further to say that, â€Å"Children and young people in households of ‘reconstituted' families, particularly where there were step-children, were more likely to develop conduct disorder as were those in families which had two parents at Time 1 and one parent at Time 2. †(2008). It is important to realize that not all children that are raised by single parents, have never been raised by two parents. Here Nina points out that distress in children raised in blended families, is similar to that of children who have been through a parent’s divorce. After interviewing 5,364 children aged between five and 16 in 2004 and again last year, the researchers found that 3 per cent had developed problems over that time. †(Parry-Langdon, 2008). Again, this article makes a point to mention how quickly being Single Parenthood: Literature Review6 raised in a single-parent family can take its toll, in this case, in as little as three years’ time before con duction their second round of interviewing. From Paul Amato’s article, he states that â€Å"Interviews with children reveal that losing contact with fathers is one of the most painful outcomes of divorce. †(Amato, 2005). This shows that children are obviously impacted by the loss of contact, which can be compared to grief. Also in his article, Amato says that children from single-parent households have more exposure to stress, through many circumstances such as dealing with the financial burden, the inter-parental conflicts and in many cases having to move homes after the separation of parents. (2005) Tying in directly with stress Amato reveals, â€Å"[a study] based on a large sample of twins, found that growing up in a single-parent family predicted depression in adulthood even with genetic resemblance controlled statistically. †(Amato, 2005). This can partly be credited due to the high exposure to stress, stated above. He concludes by saying, â€Å"evidence strongly suggests that growing up without two biological parents in the home increases children's risk of a variety of cognitive, emotional, and social problems. †(Amato, 2005). In conclusion, after viewing these articles, there is much evidence to support the thesis that children from single parent households suffer in comparison to households in which both parents reside with their children. Further topics that should be considered are geographical patterns, as it seemed most of the research was focused at the United States. Another suggestion for the articles would be to gather more personal information from children of single-parent households, rather than cold statistics. The statistics make it easy to dismiss the reason behind the negative results, as opposed to hearing from children who are being raised by single parents to hear how they feel and why they feel they are suffering in certain aspects. Single Parenthood: Literature Review8 The articles did a good job at looking at the different categories including, financial, academic, and emotional issues that stem from single parenting. Out of the articles, Paul Amato (2005) and Sara McLanahan ( 2001). Research available from reputable sources on the topic of single parenthood is limited and its importance as an issue in North American society is diminished as ‘normal’, despite its serious impact shown in said articles. Work Cited Kaufmann, G. (2012, 12). This Week in Poverty: U. S. Single Mothers- ‘The Worst Off'. Moyers ; Company. Retrieved 04, 2013, from http://billmoyers. com/2012/12/24/this-week-in-poverty-us-single-mothers-%E2%80%94-%E2%80%98the-worst-off%E2%80%99/ Amato, P. (2005, 11). The Impact of Family Formation Change on the Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Well-Being of the Next Generation. The Future of Children. Retrieved 04, 2013, from http://futureofchildren. org/publications/journals/article/index. xml? journalid=37 McLanahan, S. (2001, 12). The Consequences of Single Motherhood. The American Prospect. Retrieved 04, 2013, from http://prospect. org/article/consequences-single-motherhoodleid=107 §ionid=690 Paton, G. (2010, 04). Children in Single-Parent Families ‘Worst Behaved'. The Telegraph. Retrieved 10, 2013, from
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Reference an Ebook †APA style
How to Reference an Ebook – APA style How to Reference an Ebook – APA Style Time makes fools of us all, even when it comes to referencing. As such, its a good thing that the American Psychological Association (APA) has updated its style guide to catch up with the internet. For example, it now has special rules for how to cite an ebook. Find out more by reading the rest of this post! APA Referencing and Citing an Ebook APA style referencing is commonly used in the social sciences and utilizes author–date in-text citations accompanied by a reference list, ordered alphabetically, in which full bibliographic details is provided. The format required for an e-book differs slightly from that used for print books, since youll need to include a DOI or URL where it can be found online: Surname, INITIALS (Year). Title. Retrieved from In your reference list, this would appear as: Author, A. N. (1995). Future books. Retrieved from In-text citations for ebooks are simple to remember, as they’re identical to those used for print books, with the author name and date of publication provided in parentheses. Additional Considerations for Citing an Ebook†¦ There are two more things to keep in mind when referencing ebooks that does not apply to printed books. The first regards dates of publication. If the ebook you’re referencing is available in print or has its own publication date, use that date. If not, use the the term â€Å"n.d.†(an abbreviation of â€Å"no date†): Ternet, I. N., Author, A. N. (n.d.). The information superhighway. Retrieved from The second thing to remember is that, if applicable, details about the edition or DOI of the ebook you’re citing should be included in the reference list. For example, the Kindle edition of A. N. Author’s Future Books would appear as: Author, A. N. (1995). Future books. [Kindle DX version]. Retrieved from Hopefully this has clarified a few things about how to reference ebooks using APA style. For further helpful tips on a range of topics, don’t forget to check out the rest of our academic blog.
Monday, October 21, 2019
cuba and embargo essays
cuba and embargo essays The island nation of Cuba, located just ninety miles off the coast of Florida, is home to 11 million people and has one of the few remaining communist regimes in the world. Cubas leader, Fidel Castro, came to power in 1959 and immediately instituted a communist program of sweeping economic and social changes. Castro allied his government with the Soviet Union and seized and nationalized billions of dollars of American property. U.S. relations with Cuba have been strained ever since. A trade embargo against Cuba that was imposed in 1960 is still in place today. Despite severe economic suffering and increasing isolation from the world community, Castro remains committed to communism. (Close Up Foundation) The United States and Cuba share a long history of mutual mistrust and suspicion. All aspects of U.S. policy with Cuba, such as the current trade embargo, immigration practices, and most recently the possibility of a free exchange by members of the media, provoke heated debates across the United States. While most Americans agree that the ultimate goals should be to encourage Castros resignation and promote a smooth transition to democracy, experts disagree about how the U.S. government should accomplish these aims. Some believe that the countrys current policy toward Cuba is outdated in its Cold War approach and needs to be reconstructed. However, many still consider Fidel Castro a threat in the hemisphere and a menace to his own people and favor tightening the screws on his regime even more. (Close Up Foundation) For almost forty years, the United States has not imported any Cuban products, nor allowed any American food, medical supplies, or capital to enter Cuba. President Clinton, like each of his predecessors, supports the trade embargo. Two recent pieces of legislation have tightened the economic restrictions on Cuba. (Close Up Foundation) The Cuban Democracy Act, passed by Congress in 1992...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
An information system
An information system Introduction: An information system is a set of interrelated components that collect or retrieve, process, store and distribute information to support organisational decision-making and control. One of the key issues with ‘information systems’ (IS) (these days) is that companies cannot measure if they are becoming more profitable or efficient by using the systems that they purchase. In a study done by KPMG on 200 UK firms, around seventeen billion GBP is lost each year due to the mismanagement and misalignment of information technology (IT). One way to evaluate a firms’ IS usefulness is to use the resource-based view â€Å"inside-out approach,†which means that a company should identify its core business values and in turn, align these goals with a suitable information system that will fulfil these needs. Often times, however, large multinational firms implement new technology, regardless of whether it benefits the company or not and there is no way to mea sure results. Therefore, it is beneficial to look at a firm who has implemented a successful IS, for which it receives its competitive advantage. Inditex is a major holding company based in La Coruà ±a, Spain, which maintains controls over popular clothing stores such as Zara, Massimo Dutti and Bershka amongst others. For the purpose of this report, we will look at Zara in more detail, a store known for its high fashion for reasonable prices, with many clothing stores in prime locations in metropolitan cities around the world. It competes with other clothing stores such as H&M and Gap but it sets itself apart from them using its savvy information system and rapid production schedule. For the purpose of this report, we will examine Zara’s Technological and Socio-Economic Environment along with Zara’s knowledge chain management to evaluate its alignment of information technology as a function of Zara’s business strategy. IT in alignment with Business Strategy: Zara’s business strategyis to provide fast fashion for low prices. Based on this principle, one of Zara’s developed core competencies is its effective and minimalistic approach to utilizing IT for the purpose of timely knowledge transfer, fast production turnaround and employee empowerment. Aspects beyond which are not directly connected to Zara’s core competencies, the company prefers to outsource, such as its logistics. In order to understand the effects of IT on Zara’s business model, we must take into consideration the technological and socio-economic factors affecting Zara, such as its management process, employee skills, technology, structure and strategy. The management process: The management processof Zara is supported by its holding company Inditex, who manages other popular European brands such as Massimo Dutti, Pull and Bear, etc. however, each clothing store is distinct because Inditex supports organisational learning, as opposed to maintain ing firm control on these stores. Not only is each entity separate, but management encourages employee empowerment at Zara by allowing its employees the flexibility to choose new clothing designs for its store on a bi-weekly basis. Therefore, in just one city alone, one Zara store may have significantly different inventory than another Zara store up the road. Despite these differences, Inditex is still able to create economies of scale and scope based on the learning curve between its inter-related brands.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Improving the General Health of People with Learning Disabilities Essay
Improving the General Health of People with Learning Disabilities - Essay Example The mental health, consequences of behavior on health and epilepsy management of these patients is focused mostly by psychiatrics who addresses the discrepancy in clinical health and practices. Introduction Inequalities in health status The achievement of better health is an apposite goal for all, including those with learning disabilities. Characters with learning disabilities are heterogeneous in nature and exhibits needs that vary. The impact of environmental and social factors on health matters is definitely bigger in these groups. Gates (2009) Improved health is likely to improve the quality of lives of the families and individuals of the affected population, thus the need to remove great differences between those learning with disabilities and the public population will be strong. I will in this article discuss the areas that need to be improved for the learning-disabled which are high in disparities among healthy care related matters. Some of these include: A distinction in he alth as a result of increased mortality, morbidity, rise in negative decider of health such as increased poverty and a variation in health care as a result of unequal and inequality of health services to the learning-disabled.(Fraser 1998:293) I will focus on the issues and details that must be considered in order to make the necessary improvements in health matters. I consider tackling five areas in particular, which include: health needs the disparity in health, barriers to better health, health provision in primary care and fully addressing the disparity in the health care for the learning-disabled. Disparity in health The issue of indifference of health care Gates (2009) must be addressed in order to reach an appropriate development in health to the same level of health care that the public population enjoys. Inequalities in health care and access were an issue of health disparity in the past, as minor ethnic groups were the most affected between the population and the groups in health care facilities. Recently, Surgeon (2002) has focused their interest on disparity for those with learning disabilities. This concept adds a spotlight to the appropriate planning of services. However some difficulties are present particularly when intending to allow for the effects of etiology of the recipients disability on any obvious disparity. For instance, Gates (2009) relentless advances in accident prevention measures, in treatment induced abnormalities and cases of epilepsy may cause a reduction in disparity in various groups among the population. Health needs Welsh (1996) suggest that citizens with learning disabilities have mutual specific and general health needs. This should be provided within the primary health care environment. Common morbidities occur at greater frequencies that arise from professional health needs that are related with definite medical conditions. The conditions are not one of their kinds to individuals with learning disabilities as they have a high prevalence in the population resulting in an important part of health assessment. This has brought to the table that a consensus can be of; sensory deficit, epilepsy and disturbance in the behavior and psychology among the learning-disa
Cb2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cb2 - Assignment Example This, therefore, means that the social class can be based the objective of classification, how people think of others and the reputation that an individual claims or deserves. This is different from income in that a person may have high-income levels and yet his or her reputation is low within the society. Therefore, a person’s income is just one of the factors that can determine the social class but it is not the social class itself. An achieved status refers to the status that is acquired through struggle and merit. This could be the status related to educational status or research achievements. It is therefore related to skills, abilities and efforts. On the other hand, an ascribed status is considered to be beyond the person’s control. This is based, therefore on attributes of a person that are fixed and natural. The classes related to sex, race and deformity are ascribed rather than acquired. Income is just one of the factors likely to be considered in describing the social class. However earning more money does not always lead to a change in social class (Wood, 2012). This is because influence, success and the impact that a person has in the society are always stronger indicators of social class than income. Therefore, a person may be earning a lot of money but his or her reputation and influence remain the same. Rich consumers can be grouped as old money or nouveau depending on how they display their wealth. For old money rich consumers, their wealth remains unseen. They are rich but do not care to display conspicuous consumption in any way. The Nouveau, on the other hand, are those rich consumers who display their spending and consumption with the motive of getting a reputation and a social class upgrade (Wood, 2012). They have symbolic self-completion such as flashy cars to display their wealth. In most contexts, the term social class is controversial. This means that different
Possible Uses of a Hammer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 209
Possible Uses of a Hammer - Assignment Example In addition, a hammer can also be used as a tool for drilling holes into surfaces and shaping objects by hitting a chisel with it. The following experience makes it easier to identify the different options that are available for a particular scenario. The information is presented in a simplified form that is easy to understand without spending a lot of time on it. This helps an individual to make a quick decision-saving time since the desired information is easily spotted. This technique of listing the different possibilities can be used in a variety of other situations to help simplify data for the user. For example, in the banks, an individual can conduct various transactions. Each transaction has a different chargee. g when sending money to another country, the amount charged is different depending on the amount one is sending and the country of the intended transfer. To simplify this charges for customers, banks can prepare a matrix indicating the range of money that is to be sent in a specific country on the vertically and the amount charged alongside it on the horizontally. Another example is that can use a matrix to simplify information is the assessment of employees against certain set criteria for performance appraisal. The desired employee traits and achievements in the various fields such as punctuality, present ability, and achievement of organizational objectives can be written on vertically. The score of the employee can be indicated horizontally for example under the heading very good, good, average, poor or very poor. This would make the evaluation of the employees easy on the various fields with the score being easily picked at each field. The use of a matrix can help individuals summarize a lot of information into a simple table. This can help in understanding various uses of different objects that are not known.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Issues in Child Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Issues in Child Development - Essay Example I would also discuss how this policy would support the current policies already in place. Body Children have basic rights as human beings and these rights mostly refer to the special protection afforded them as young individuals (Amnesty International, 2011). These rights include the right to human identity, basic needs for food, education, health care, and criminal laws appropriate to their age and development. Their rights also include freedom from physical, mental, and emotional abuse (Amnesty International, 2011). The politics of childhood is often based on the appropriate learning which can be applied to the different students from different races, cultures, and religions, in one school system or even in one classroom (Morris, 2011). It is also sometimes based on how children are perceived by other members of society, and with children not being afforded the same entitlements in rights as their adult counterparts. Furthermore, these children are also perceived as similar to each other in terms of learning ability and capacity. However, not all students have the same capacity or pace in learning (Haskvitz, 2011). Some children may indeed be smart and be fast learners; however, others may be slow learners and may take a while to learn concepts. Other children rest may be adept in other areas of learning. For example, some may be math whizzes, but be terrible in English or science, or be excellent in English, but be terrible at Math. The important point to consider is that there are different elements which have to be considered in teaching children (Haskvitz, 2011). And by managing these considerations and integrating the necessary changes into the learning process, it is possible to achieve the best learning conditions for children. Educational Policy based on the immediate rewards system Rationale: This policy was chosen because it seeks to provide immediate rewards and reinforcement for learning and growing children. I chose this as an applicable policy f or children because children have short attention spans and short-term memories. The best way to reinforce a positive behaviour is to immediately reward or praise it (Domjan, 2003, p. 45). A policy which is therefore based on immediate rewards or reinforcement is the easiest way of ensuring an effective learning process. Goal: To provide an effective and appropriate educational curriculum and policy for children based on a strong and immediate rewards and reinforcement system. Implementation 1. This policy would first require teachers to undergo training in the proper and effective rewards, reinforcement, and punishment system in their teaching styles. This training shall be undertaken with the assistance of educational and psychological experts who shall guide the teachers in the proper and effective ways of rewarding, reinforcing, and punishing their students. If possible, this training should also be integrated in the educational systems of colleges and universities offering teac hing courses. The sooner that this rewards system can be integrated into the education of teachers, the better for the students and the children. 2. This policy then needs to be gradually integrated into the curriculum of students. It is a policy which would not require a complete or significant overhaul of the UK educational system. Changes needed would be on the rewards and reinforcement given to students. This rewards system
Reaction paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reaction paper - Assignment Example Social Media has relevance not only for regular internet users, but business as well (Riley, n. d). In the 21st century, social media has become a fast evolving tool of education, social connection, and job procurement. As such, the young and old alike must learn to use social media responsibly. This is ascribed to the fact that social media when used properly can ensure a better future for an individual; however, its misuse can spell academic, professional, and financial disaster. Therefore, this paper aims to present the arguments of academic experts on the significance of responsible use of social media accounts. Several academic experts assert that proper use of social media can help to strengthen the chances of a college student into getting into his preferred college. It will also help the student achieve a type of social life while in college that will help enhance their college learning and living experience. Social media has helped colleges and universities make the college experience more interesting and exciting for their potential and current students through the students responsible use of social media. According to researchers such as Mark Connolly of WCER, students have tightly packed academic schedules throughout the semester. However, that it not to say that the schools do not give the students some time off between classes by hosting social mixers and the like. Due to the sheer volume of students on campus, it is almost impossible to get the information out to all of them. This is where social media steps in as an excellent social connecting tool for students. He explains that social media helps to create enduring relationships between the students by facilitating the social connection of peers. He offers an example of this benefit as: Connecting fellow dorm students through Facebook can help a student overcome the kind of isolation that otherwise might lead
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Cordoba House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cordoba House - Essay Example People's opinions differ greatly, as not all inhabitants of New York are looking forward to seeing the building being constructed there. Personally, I strongly believe that the Cordoba building should be moved elsewhere. This would be a very sensible step; it would prevent unrest from taking place. Many lives may also be lost in that unrest, hence it is in the best interest of everyone to move the building elsewhere. Based on the First Amendment to the United States, which is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment guarantees freedom of religion, free exercise of religion, and freedom of speech. American society is diverse and is made up of people belonging to different religions. Cordoba house can be built anywhere, even two blocks from ground zero. They do have the right that guarantee by the first amendment, but it does not mean they have right they can make it right. This is relates to human morality. The majority of people, especially those families whose members died on Septe mber 11, feel that the Mosque is a â€Å"slap in the face†for them and for the society in general. This building will always remind on events taking place on that terrible date, and the darkest day in American history .The life of people who suffered from those events would become a terrible nightmare. The Park 51 was initiated by both American and Muslim representatives in order to build the proper relations between these two nations and to enhance the place of religion in the life of people but it was funded by Muslim. It was stated that Cordoba House project calls for a â€Å"15-story community center including a mosque, a temple, a worship place for Christian community and Catholic, performance art center, gym, swimming pool and other public spaces†(Bliman n.d.). It sounds very great and easy to attract to all community from every religion, gender, class, ages, and to visit and build relation with each other. The problem is why they have to build religion practic e inside the building, even though their intention is to build better understanding among various faiths. Do they have to build religion practice inside the building. There is a lot of way to unify all the religion they can make events every week or month where every religion can have their own workshop in one place. It is impossible to enhance the place of religion in one place. Imagine Muslim is praying and worship in their room with a loud sound. Next to it, Christian is worshipping their God by singing with a loud song and enthusiasm. Catholic and Jewish is praying with hymn. How they are going to react with each other when they feel being disturbed by other people that being worshipped their own God. It is like putting oil in the water which will never mix together. History has proved it time and again; it is been thousands of year people always fight each other in the name of religion. Many people died because of that do we have to add more pages to history of holy war. Everyb ody knows this building is a beautiful building with very proper architecture and elements, and this building will be added to beautiful constructions found in the New York city. But according to CNN Opinion research Corporation poll it showed that about 70 percent of all Americans oppose this plan. While only 29 percent were in favor of the park. People that want to build Park 51 should listen to this voice. They build this house based on tolerance between people. If they want to show tolerance they should consider this voice. This is like put salt into the wound that
Reaction paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reaction paper - Assignment Example Social Media has relevance not only for regular internet users, but business as well (Riley, n. d). In the 21st century, social media has become a fast evolving tool of education, social connection, and job procurement. As such, the young and old alike must learn to use social media responsibly. This is ascribed to the fact that social media when used properly can ensure a better future for an individual; however, its misuse can spell academic, professional, and financial disaster. Therefore, this paper aims to present the arguments of academic experts on the significance of responsible use of social media accounts. Several academic experts assert that proper use of social media can help to strengthen the chances of a college student into getting into his preferred college. It will also help the student achieve a type of social life while in college that will help enhance their college learning and living experience. Social media has helped colleges and universities make the college experience more interesting and exciting for their potential and current students through the students responsible use of social media. According to researchers such as Mark Connolly of WCER, students have tightly packed academic schedules throughout the semester. However, that it not to say that the schools do not give the students some time off between classes by hosting social mixers and the like. Due to the sheer volume of students on campus, it is almost impossible to get the information out to all of them. This is where social media steps in as an excellent social connecting tool for students. He explains that social media helps to create enduring relationships between the students by facilitating the social connection of peers. He offers an example of this benefit as: Connecting fellow dorm students through Facebook can help a student overcome the kind of isolation that otherwise might lead
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Sole Proprietorship Essay Example for Free
Sole Proprietorship Essay Firstly Mr. Rajkumar must understand that a limited company is a type of company which when set-up allows an entrepreneur to keep their own assets and finances separate from the business itself. This means that people who have invested in the business (the shareholders) are only responsible for any company debts up-to the amount that they have invested and no more. It is therefore a good way for a business to get investment without risk to a personal wealth. Since, Mr Raj wishes to shift from a sole proprietorship firm to a private one, an agreement has to be executed between the sole proprietor and the private limited company (once it is incorporated) for the sale of the business. In this process, for his guidance, I would list down below mentioned points regarding the pros and cons of shifting to a private limited firm:- * For a start, there is unlimited liability of business debts in a Sole Proprietorship, and which extends to even the private assets of the individual. In contrast, in a private limited company, the liability is limited to the extent of shares held but not paid. * In terms of the staff, just one person that’s the entrepreneur is sufficient to qualify for a valid Sole Proprietorship, while a minimum of two and maximum of 50 people are required for registration as a private listed company. * There is no separate legal entity for the venture, with the sole entrepreneur listed under Sole Proprietorship. In contrast, a private listed company has a corporate identity distinct from its individual members. * A Sole Proprietorship requires no registration before its starts operating. In contrast, a Private Company must be incorporated before the Registrar of companies so that it could be covered under legislation like service tax, professional tax, Provident Fund, ESI etc as applicable. * There is no charter document for the single-entrepreneur venture while a listed company needs to have a Memorandum and Articles of Association. * Property under sole proprietorship belongs to the individual. In case of a privately listed entity, the company owns the physical assets. * Since the individual and the sole proprietorship share the same identity, the individual can sue or be sued by concerned parties. In contrast, a company can sue or be sued only in its own name since it is a legally registered entity, independent of its members. * When it comes to taxation, a sole proprietorship is taxed as an individual would be on his/her earnings under different slabs. In contrast, a privately incorporated entity will be taxed as a company. Guidance to formation: In order to set-up a Limited Company, there are a few criteria that first have to be satisfied. These are laid out by The Companies Act 2006. * Firstly, Mr Rajkumar must have director identification numbers (DIN) and digital signature certificates in place * Secondly the Company must be registered with Companies House. It is there to help entrepreneurs who are planning to set-up a limited company, it guides you through what is required by the government and offers a number of services to help new start-ups register their business and succeed in the marketplace with few suggested names * Once the name is approved, the next step is drafting the memorandum and articles of association (MoA and AoA). * After the MoA and AoA are prepared they must be printed and sent to the concerned registrar for vetting and to mark out objections, if any. * The last step is to pay the registration fee, which varies on the basis of the company’s authorized capital, after which the company gets registered as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956 and gets its certificate of incorporation. There are some more things that are required by a private limited company, like getting a permanent account number and a company seal, after it is registered. However, unlike a public limited company, a private company can begin its operation right after getting a certificate of incorporation and complete the rest of the formalities simultaneously.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Haber process for optimum performance
The Haber process for optimum performance Research Question: What are the conditions for running the Haber process for optimum performance Abstract In this essay I will find out what are the best conditions for the production of the maximum yield in the Haber process, by running simulations of the Haber process at different conditions to determine the best conditions. From the Experiment I found that the lowest temperature possible and the highest pressure possible would provide the best conditions to operate the Haber process at for the maximum yield possible. Introduction The Haber process is an important Process used in chemical Industry to manufacture Ammonia from Nitrogen and Hydrogen that originate in the air. The reason why its very important is it turns an inert gas Nitrogen (N2) and a very volatile and reactive gas Hydrogen (H2) into ammonia which is a stable compound but reactive enough to be used in different aspects. Why was the Haber process discovered? During the First World War Britain Cut off Germany Supply route to Chiles salt peter natural deposits (Quote Since the Allies (Russian Empire,United Kingdom,France,Canada,Australia,Italy, theEmpire of Japan,Portugaland theUnited States) (Quote has gained control over the natural deposits of saltpetre from natural deposits found in Chile, therefore cutting off Germanys access to materials that the needed to produce necessary items such as food, guns, bombs other war materials. Germany has to find ways to produce its own hence the Haber process which was discovered in 1909 by a German chemist named Fritz Haber to produce ammonia was set into industrial scale in 1913; the produced ammonia was later processed into a Synthetic Form of Chile saltpetre Introduction (Part 2) The Haber process is the process that uses extracted nitrogen from the atmosphere and reacts the nitrogen (N2) gas would react with 3 moles of hydrogen (H2) gas by using a medium temperature around 473K-673K (200- 400oC) High atmospheric pressures such as 250 atmospheres (25331250 Pascal) and a catalyst to create ammonia (NH3). Due to advancements made to technology we are able to do reaction at extremely high temperatures such as 2300K (2026oC) and we know that a reaction occurs faster when conducted at the highest temperature possible but the Haber processs success is not calculated on the speed of the reaction but on the yield of the ammonia that is produced during the reaction. Although increasing the temperate would surly increase the rate of reaction in a normal forward reaction the problem with using this method on the Haber process is its not a normal forward reaction type of reaction but is an equilibrium type of reaction. The Chateliers Principle states increasing the temperature will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the left side of the reaction resulting in a lower yield of ammonia because the forward reaction is exothermic. N2(g) + 3H2(g) Very High heat, Low pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) nitrogen hydrogen ammonia Reducing the temperature will cause the equilibrium system to change the point of equilibrium to minimise the effect of the change, and hence it will produce more heat due to an increase the exothermic reaction therefore causing the wanted increase in the yield of ammonia. N2(g) + 3H2(g) Low heat, High pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) nitrogen hydrogen ammonia However, the rate of the reaction at very lower temperatures is exceptionally slow, and so a higher temperature should be used to increase the speed of the reaction which results in a lower yield of ammonia but a temperature low enough to create more ammonia than use in the reverse reaction hence we have the final equation is an which an above normal ammonia production. N2(g) + 3H2(g) High TEmperature, Low pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) nitrogen hydrogen ammonia Increasing the pressure condition of the haber chamber causes the equilibrium position to shift to the right resulting in an increased yield of ammonia because ammonia has more gas molecules (more moles) on the left hand side or the forward reaction of the equation (4 in total 3 Hydrogen and 1 Nitrogen) than there are on the right hand side or backwards reaction of the equation (2 in total 2NH3). N2 + 3H2(g) High Temperature, Low pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) nitrogen hydrogen ammonia Increasing the pressure means the system will have to adjust to reduce the effect of the change, which is reducing the pressure built up by reducing the amount of moles that can be located in the equilibrium reaction. The most important use of nitrogen is in making ammonia (NH3), which is a colourless gas with a strong odour, similar to the smell of urine. The reason is because urine contains some ammonia. The production of ammonia changes the non oxidation properties of nitrogen as the Oxidation reaction. Pharmaceuticals Used in the manufacture of drugs such as sulphonamide which inhibit the growth and multiplication of bacteria buy the removal of replacing the aminobenzoic acid for the synthesis of folic acids and minerals as well as vitamins and thiamine. Fertilizer A major use of ammonia is in making fertilizers. Ammonia can be used directly as fertilizer by adding it to irrigation water for plants that needing much nitrogen. It is also used to produce the urea (NH2CONH2), which is used as a fertilizer. Another important use of ammonia is to create nitric acid (HNO3), which is then also used to make fertilizer the Haber Process didnt lonely provide the Germans with Saltpetre but revolutionized the agriculture industry with an increased yield in crop production enabling them to continue. Cleaning Products Many people use household ammonia as a disinfectant. Nitric acid-made form ammonia-is used in explosives. Ammonia is also used in the plastic industry and as a feed supplement for livestock. The dipole moment of this compound and this is consistent with its geometry, a triangular Pyramid due to its electronic arrangement obeying the octet rule, Four pairs of electrons three bonding pairs and one lone pair repel each other giving the molecule the triangular pyramid shape of bond angles of 107 degrees is close to the tetrahedral angle of 109.5 degrees. The electronic arrangement of the valence electrons in nitrogen is described as sp3 hybridization of atomic orbitals. The NH3 molecules and their ability to make hyrodgen bonds explains thir polarity and high solubility of ammonia in water. A chemical reaction occurs when ammonia dissolues in water as it acts as a base acquiring a hydrogen ion from H2O to ammonium and hydroxides ions NH3(aq) + H2O(l) NH4+(aq) + OH-(aq) The production of hydroxide ions when ammonia dissolves in water gives the solution of ammonia its alkaline characteristics (basic properties), The double arrow in the equation states that an equilibrium has been reached between the dissolved ammonia gas and ammonium ions. The ammonium ion acts as a weak acid aqueous solution because it dissociates to form Hydrogen ion and ammonia. (Shakhashiri, 2008) This is why dissolved ammonia is used in cleaning products because its able to react with both and acid stain and alkaline stain meaning its an all round cleaning products even though the acid is weak its strong enough to deal with domestic stains. Explosives Sodium Nitrate is a Chemical compound with the chemical compound of NaNo3 has been referred to as Chile saltpetre before. And is produced by a reaction of a metal and an acid to produce a salt and is highly soluble in water. (Quote) Sodium Nitrate can be used as a fertilizer and as a material from the production of explosive gunpowder. Naturally gun powder is a rapid burning compound made of Carbon (C12) potassium nitrate, KNO3 and Sulfur and is used in guns because of its capacity to burn in a rapidly producing enough pressure to propel a bullet and not explode.(Quote) Sodium nitrate has antimicrobial properties when used as a food preservative. It can be used in the production of nitric acid by combining it with sulfuric acid. It can used as a substitute oxidizer used in fireworks as a replacement for potassium nitrate commonly found in gun powder. Because sodium nitrate can be used as a Phase Change Material it may be used for heat transfer in solar power plants. Imporantance of Nitrogen. Nitrogen gas (N2) is often used as a substitution for air which is a mixture of 78% nitrogen 78%), Oxygen 20%, and 1% of other gases such as Water Vapour Argon and Carbon dioxide (0.03%). where oxidation is undesirable. One area for use is to maintain the freshness to food products by packaging them in nitrogen gas to reduce the spoilage of food due to its properties for preventing oxidization which can cause Rancid unpleasant odour or taste of decomposing oils or fats (Quote). Argon has been used as replacement for air in light bulbs to prevent the heated tungsten filament from reacting with the oxygen found in air because Argon is an inert gas but is expensive so ammonia can be reverted back to Nitrogen gas by the process gentrification to replace Argon in light bulbs and is cheaper inert material than Argon. Nitrogen is also used as a controlled storage and Transportation measure food packages due to its capabities to be used as a noble gas, to extend the sheld life of fruits and vegetables and is now used during storage to displace most of the oxygen in the containers, thereby , slowing down the repiration and deterioration of food as proven in biochemistry as in aerobic respiration 32 ATP molecules are created from one glucose molecules and 2 ATP molecules are created from one glucose molecule which is a clear sign that respiration and deterioration of food occurs at 16 times slower during anaerobic respiration which respiration without the presence of oxygen, than respiration occurring aerobically which is respiration with oxygen present. Investigation Design To do this Investigation I will be using a simulator that allow we to change the conditions of the Haber process chamber and notice the change in the yield and work out the direction that the equiliburm will take with extra options such as catalysis. Firstly I had to decide what the 2 variables I would be looking at during this investigation and decided that the dependant variable will be the yield of ammonia that I would receive from running the simulations. The Controlled variable will be the temperature and atmospheric pressure that the reaction will be taking place. Another variable that I looked at was if the reaction will be taking place in the presence of a catalyst of not. It was decide that due to the lack of acquiring two or more simulations that were able to run the haber process reaction in the presence of a catalyst The uncontrolled variable would be required in this reaction because the aim of the reaction is to achieve a dynamic equilibrium which is a reaction in which the forward reaction and backward reaction are equal in a closed environment. Meaning all variables and atoms present are controlled and accounted for. Set both simulations at the same pressure and temperature to and begin the reaction recorded both results and create a table of results and find the mean of both tables. Redo the experiment changing the controlled variables every time and recording the yield of the reaction at those conditions Create a Graph using both the mean table to display the results that where shown in the table. This Is the haber process taking place without the presence of an iron catalyst at the temperature of 300oC and 191 atmospheric pressure. Which will give me the amount of ammonia produced in grams and will be working out in percentage of the nitrogen used to allow compatibility of the 2 different simulations that one will be using. Screen Shot 2 (Screen Shot to be taken off website ) (Blocked by school.) Is the Haber process taking place without the presence of an iron catalyst at the temperature that the Chateliers Principle indicates will be the most effective in the promotion of increasing the Yield. Because this Simulation cannot give the yield of the Haber process ammonia moles or grams I have to change the data received from the first simulation into compatible data. Results Simulation 1 (Changing the Temperature but keeping the pressure and 200) Pressure 1000 800 600 400 200 Temp 150 150 150 150 150 Yeild 57% 55% 53% 48% 35% From these results obtained in the diagram above we notice an increase in yield as we increase the pressure of the reaction while keeping the temperature the same which agrees with the information placed in the beginning of the introduction which states icreasing the pressure will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the right side of the reaction resulting in an increased yield of ammonia since there are more gas molecules Simulation 2 (changing the Pressure but keeping the Temperature at 150) Pressure Yield 1000 57% 800 55% 600 53% 400 48% 200 35% From these results obtained in the diagram above we notice an increase in yield as we increase the pressure of the reaction while keeping the temperature the same which agrees with the information placed in the beginning of the introduction which states the Chateliers Principle states increasing the temperature will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the left side of the reaction resulting in a lower yield of ammonia because the forward reaction is exothermic. And the 0.8 ( r) shows that there is a high positive correlation between the yield amount The Curve tends to show that if the pressure was increased any more that 1000 the increment in the production of ammonia may not be justified for the amount of effort that will be put into creating a haber process camber at that atmospheric pressure. The equilibrium expression for this reaction is: Keq =[NH3]2/[N2][H2]3 Temperature (oC) Keq 25 6.4 x 102 200 4.4 x 10-1 300 4.3 x 10-3 400 1.6 x 10-4 500 1.5 x 10-5 As the temperature of increases, the equilibrium constant decreases as the yield of the ammonia decreases. The results of the Ka test agree with the graphs that simulation 1 and simulation 2 provided. As the Ka increases the PH reduces towards the more acidic range meaning the NH3 concentration increases meaning for the best yield of the Haber process, industry must obtain the highest level Ka. Conclusion. In conclusion the from the graphs and from the working out of the Keqi can state that the best conditions to process the haber process under is the lowest temperature that is usable because it increases the yield of the haber process in a linear regression which is a positive feedback increase in the yield of ammonia the optimized temperate was 200oC because it provided the highest yield. The other condition that was optimized during this experiment was pressure and after the experiment I found that the highest possible pressure is the optimum condition for this reaction to take place under. Because it gave the highest yield of ammonia compared to lower pressures which all provided lower yield. Evaluation The simulations that were used during this Essay were accurate enough to accept as possible theoretical yield but did not take into account of the possibility that some materials would be lost during the preparation for the haber process. It would have been better if I had more simulations and different type of simulations to check if the results I received from using these simulations were accurate or not and would increase the reliability of this experiment. The limitations to using this method were the some simulations couldnt operate a catalyst which limited the amount of results I was able to obtain and didnt factor in any cost effectiveness into the reaction. The haber process occurring in the presence of a catalysis does not affect the amount of NH3 that is produced by the reaction yet it only hastens the reaction by lowing the activation energy is takes for atoms to react. This would increase the rate of reaction without taking into consideration the geometric position that theses atoms need to react. A catalyst is a chemical that is used in a chemical reaction to speed up the rate of reaction with out the compound being used up in the reaction itself, meaning after the reaction the catalyst retains its structure and physical properties it had before the reaction took place. It works by lowering the activation energy of the reaction. The iron catalyst acts as a platform on which the Nitrogen and hydrogen atoms will bind on to before under going the reaction. The binding on to the catalyst is creates a transactional compound N2(g) + 3H2(g) = 2NH3(g) nitrogen hydrogen Fe ammonia Another Factor that I should have researched was the rate of reaction and possibly to the cost effectiveness of having a lower rate of reaction over the time effectiveness of having a high rate or reactions. Looking at the effect that the rate or reaction would have on at equilibrium And working out possible ways to reduce the forward reaction to increase the yield of ammonia by adding a rate determining step for the forward reaction to encourage the forward reaction to reaction and produce ammonia but would discourage the backward reaction from according either by adding third party molecule such Sulphuric acid to create ammonium sulphate and can easily to separated by heating to 235oC because it sublimes to create ammonia and sulphuric acid and the gases are at different weights meaning using a gases filtration method and condense then separately. (NH4)2SO4(s) NH3(g) + H2SO4(g) Another improvement would be to calculate the H of the reaction while looking at and S of the reaction to allow to choose the most accurate best conditions for the reaction and most accurate cost effective option for the reaction. Because the having a positive H means the need more energy placed in which reduces the cost effectiveness of the reaction but may increase the yield of the ammonia while the G which measure reactions ability to reaction at room temperature which would increase the rate of reaction and the low temperature would mean the equilibrium would shift and allow the ammonia to be created in much more yield making the reaction cost effective and maximum conditions for the maximum yield. By working out the S and H I could use them to work out the amount of unused heat which is lost to the surroundings during the reaction, after this work out which reaction conditions provide the less heat lost to the surrounding while still providing an acceptable amount of yield. Afte r working out the H, G and S if would help me make a more informed decision on which of the reaction conditions provided current industry yield and cost and work out which conditions provided either current industry yield at a lower cost or improved yield at a higher cost and ultimately work out which conditions produced greatest yield and at the lost possible cost. Another improved for this experiment would be increasing the range of pressure that was used during the simulations because I noticed in the graphs that increasing the pressure post 1000 would make the production of ammonia not as effective as lower pressures are.
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