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Brainstorm Personal Essay Topics Nonfiction Writing Prompt #9
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Teaching Philosophy Statement :: School Education Teachers Essays
Showing Philosophy Statement â€Å"People infrequently succeed except if they have a ton of fun in what they are doing.†(Dale Carnegie) This statement best accommodates my perspectives toward training. I feel that a lion's share of understudies, today, fear going to class and no longer gander at it with an uplifting attitude. I accept this demeanor toward schools is the reason generally speaking evaluation execution has diminished and United States understudies rank lower when contrasted with understudies of remote nations. I need to change this, in any event, in my study hall. I need to reestablish the positive vitality and desire that a few understudies have lost in instruction. I need understudies in my study hall to hunger for new information and have a profitable and pleasant time doing as such. I for one accept that understudies, at all age levels, accomplish their best work, and get increasingly included, when they are taught in an intriguing, inventive, and hands-on condition. My viewpoint towards which ways of thinking to use in training is mixed. I predominately concur with the Progessivist hypothesis since it is understudy focused and sees understudies as people. I accept that these individual needs ought to be communicated and suited in the homeroom. I additionally feel its significant for the instructive condition to incorporate a majority rule process, where understudies get an opportunity to voice their suppositions about the material they will learn and the guidelines that they should follow. I feel that when understudies help direct their own way, that they acquire regard in the homeroom and increment their drive to learn. Another factor I’m likened to about utilizing Progressivism in the study hall is that it is experience-focused and manages genuine issues that understudies face throughout everyday life. I concur with John Dewey’s conviction that understudies learn more by doing in light of the fact that it has meaning. An extra co nviction that Dewey and myself consider indispensable is that understudies ought to figure out how to apply recently learned data and aptitudes to explain new issues. This instructs students’ basic reasoning aptitudes and critical thinking techniques. I additionally favor the Essentialist’s reasoning since it has a solid educational plan based around the customary subjects of perusing, math, and science. I think central subjects outfits understudies with a solid establishment, which they can expand upon as they keep on learning.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 26
Correspondence - Essay Example Adolescents have one of a kind characteristics which impact how the message ought to be conveyed to them, these include: poor relational abilities especially the listening part of it. Most individuals from the gathering can't tune in to and appreciate court orders about conduct. A few adolescents, particularly those in work ought to have their boss being a piece of the arrangement, particularly by upholding consistence (Mark and Gamez-Rugama, 2015). Other adolescent guilty parties don't understand what is expected of them because of inadequate instruction. In that capacity, utilizing straightforward language for correspondence will improve their consistence with the principles of commitment. There are numerous potential difficulties in imparting the message to adolescents, these include: right off the bat, a negative mentality embraced by adolescents seeing their neighbors or government specialists as too harsh and dead set on their annihilation to tune in to or follow their mandates. Also, lacking instruction and information in adolescents for the most part confound their comprehension of what is directly for them and their abstract considerations (Haggard, 2014). In conclusion, their young minds and frail character may make pointless interruptions as well as absence of consistency in their reactions to questions or issues coordinated to them, subsequently their whimsical conduct. These shortcomings require steady help to them and checking of their moves, which would be exorbitant if not illogical (Haggard, 2014). As Mark and Gamez-Rugama (2015) stated, I would amend my methodology in the video by receiving less difficult, progressively customized correspondence systems, for example, referencing names. I would likewise: gain by the method of correspondence which is best for every person, for example, utilizing signals or non-verbal styles for impaired adolescents; use correspondence strategies which construct viable associations with adolescents so they can build up a sentiment of
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Its May 2nd. Have you replied to your colleges yet
It’s May 2nd. Have you replied to your colleges yet The college admissions process is often compared to dating. Its a dance that happens between students and colleges where the power dynamic shifts back and forth several times; one courts the other, then the other courts the first, and so on. We spend time and money trying to identify the right students who could be great candidates for our institutions, and do all kinds of outreachtraveling the country, visiting high schools, giving presentations, campus tours, sending brochures and emailsall in hopes that theyll apply to our school. We wait in anticipation to see the applications roll in. Students enter into the application process, picking and choosing which colleges they want to apply to. For those whom we are lucky enough to receive their applications, we read them, learn about their lives, fall in love with many, but can only choose a few. Applicants wait with bated breath to hear back, nervous and anxious, constantly hitting refresh to find out their decision. The tables turn againonce weve admitted a class of students, we begin to court them once more. Shiny tubes, greeting cards, and a four-day extravaganza called Campus Preview Weekend. Now its our turn to wait, excited and eager, hoping the applicants we love so much will say yes in return. And that brings us to today. Many have said yes; welcome to the family! Some have said no; well eat a couple pints of ice cream, and all will be okay. But then there are others who havent said anything yet If you were admitted to a college, Im sure you can remember what it was like, constantly hitting refresh, and waiting in anticipation to hear responses from the college(s) you applied to. For the last several weeks, weve now been doing the same. Every day, hitting refresh, waiting to hear back from the 1,419 students we extended admission offers to. (If you think waiting for a handful of college decisions is stressful, try waiting for 1,419 replies.) The deadline has come and gone, and for those of you who havent responded yet (who havent been granted extensions for financial aid reasons), Im guessing most of you have decided to go to another place. Thats perfectly finewe completely understand. There are tons of amazing schools out there, and we know youve made a choice that is right for you. The only thing we ask in return, is that you please let us know. Log in to your MyMIT account, and click on How to accept or decline our offer of admission, and complete the form. I know breaking up is hard to do, but not knowing is even worse. Plus, it doesnt have to be goodbye foreverwe can still be friendsand theres always grad school. :) Thanks for dancing with us, and we look forward to hearing from you soon. P.S. This applies to pretty much every college out there, so if you have other schools you havent responded to yet, do that too! P.P.S. For those on the waitlist, we havent forgotten about you either! As you can see above, we empathize with the pain of waiting and not knowing, and want to get back to you as quickly as possible. More news to come soon, I promise.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Health Policy Values Personal Values And Beliefs
Health Policy Values Personal Values and Beliefs As human beings, we all have our morals, beliefs, and mindsets that have developed throughout the direction of everyone’s lives. Our family, friends, community, and the involvements we have had all added to our purpose of who we are and how we analyze the world (The Gospel Coalition, 2014). Values are principles or standards that a person or group of people holds in great respect. These values direct the way this author lives, and the choices made throughout my life. One of the utmost misconceptions about religious belief is that it involves a belief in God or a supreme existence. Religious beliefs are beliefs that produce worship or worship-related deeds, such as going to church (The Gospel Coalition, 2014). This author believes in God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit, otherwise known as the Triune God. This writer also believes that the laws from the Bible should not be worked around by the law of our government and our constitution. The religious laws written are the commandments, and the government laws were written had neglected these commandments when they were signed into office. This author feels that if someone chooses to break God’s laws, then it is their choice. If you make a decision for all of the humankind to accept and follow this law, and against their beliefs then, to this writer, it is unethical and is showing misconception to the world that this is acceptable behavior which then canShow MoreRelatedHealth Policies And The Health Policy883 Words  | 4 PagesHealth Policy Values According to World Health Organization (WHO, 2015), â€Å"Health policy refers to decisions, plans, and actions that are undertaken to achieve specific health care goals within a society†(p.1). Nursing can make a change in the health policy. This writer believes nursing is the most trusted professions and also upholds the uppermost values of morality and ethical principle. One of the journalists Deepak Chopra said, â€Å"Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spiritualityRead MorePersonal Values And Beliefs And Values872 Words  | 4 PagesPersonal values and beliefs My personal beliefs and values are on par with the present health care policy in the United States (U.S.). I value and believe in compassion, empathy and respect. People have the right to access basic medical care when they are sick. So, there should be universal healthcare for the people at a cost that is affordable to them. The health care charge must be on the basis of income with a cap. The people who are under the poverty line should receive health care at free ofRead MoreValues And Believes Decides Personnel Priorities And Our Actions Follows994 Words  | 4 PagesValues and believes decides personnel priorities and our actions follows those significances. Nursing profession builds upon on specific human values such as honesty, kindness as the cornerstone of the profession since the beginning (Gokenbach, 2012). In this paper, the writer discusses the personal values, beliefs, and differentiates personal beliefs with the health care policy using cost, quality aspects, analyz e the religious, personal, political ideology and how it affects the perspective ofRead MoreAustralia Is A Country With Cultural And Ethnic Diversity Essay1459 Words  | 6 Pageshave right to express and share their individual culture, religious belief and values. In this diverse environment, there are several of reasons why nurses can refuse to participate in procedures, which are against as well as unacceptable in their own religious, moral, ethical beliefs and value as a health care professional. However, there should be a fine line between those religious, moral belief and the individual’s personal convenience and preference. This essay will discuss on the right of nursesRead MoreHealth Policy and Values1583 Words  | 7 PagesHealth Policy Values Anil Jose UIC November 5th, 2014 Introduction A person’s physical state, mental state and social well-being defines health. According to World health Organization (WHO), â€Å"A resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities(WHO, 2014). Health care policies are defined and implied by government for the betterment of general health of the public. ThisRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing1053 Words  | 5 PagesEvery profession has its rules, beliefs, theories, and principles. This aforementioned are the podium upon which the value and philosophies of the success of each profession is based. These philosophies and values do not operate in a vacuum. They influence the way which professionals carry out their day to day activities for maximum success. Consequently, Nursing and Nurses are not immune to the great influence of values and philosophies, be it at personal or corporate levels. This is because, nursingRead MoreThe Philosophy Of Health Policy Values871 Words  | 4 PagesHealth Policy Values As human beings, we all have our own values, beliefs and attitudes that we have developed throughout the course of our lives. Our family, friends, community and the experiences we have had all contribute to our sense of who we are and how we view the world (The Gospel Coalition, 2014). Values are principles, standards or qualities that an individual or group of people hold in high regard. These values guide the way this author lives and the decisions made throughout my life.Read MoreThe Importance Of Acting Ethically When Working As A Nurse1318 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: Ethics is an essential aspect of health care practice and those working in the nursing profession are often subject to frequent ethical dilemmas. It is essential for all nurses to be aware of the importance of ethics in health care and to practice within the ethico-legal parameters that govern the profession. However, while this is relatively easy in theory, ethics is not a black and white subject and often one’s culture, upbringing, attitudes and beliefs can influence what one views as ethicalRead MoreAn Unethical Behavior Among Its Nursing Staff1404 Words  | 6 PagesBackground Statement: Pleasant Valley Memorial hospital is experiencing unethical behavior among its nursing staff. Nursing Manager Susan manages the intensive care unit (NICU). Repeatedly, Susan encounters the NICU nurses allowing their personal beliefs to influence behavioral work norms and patient care. Dedicated nurses such as Nurse Pamela refuse to care for certain patients with lifestyles she opposes. Other nurses have mistreated a 16-year-old father of a baby under their care by ignoringRead MoreReasearch, Roles, And Values1432 Words  | 6 PagesRunning Head: REASEARCH, ROLES, AND VALUES IN NURSING 1Research, Roles, and Values in NursingGeoi LeonardMississippi University for WomenNU 360: Introduction to Scholarly Activity for the Professional Nurse9/25/2017Debbie Ricks TE8 2REASEARCH, ROLES, AND VALUES IN NURSING In 2011, the Office of Inspector General for Health and Human Services said that 180,000 patients die from medical
Sunday, May 10, 2020
ESPOSITO Surname Meaning and Origin
The common Italian surname Esposito was a last name commonly given to children in Italy (prior to its unification in 1861) who were abandoned or given up for adoption by their parents. The name derives from the Latin expositus, the past participle of the Latin verb exponere, which means to place outside. The Esposito surname is especially prevalent in the Naples region of Italy. Alternate Surname Spellings: ESPOSTI, ESPOSTO, ESPOSTI, DEGLI ESPOSTI, SPOSITO Surname Origin: Italian Famous People Raffaele Esposito is baker attributed with first creating the modern pizza. Genealogy Resources Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as an Esposito family crest or coat of arms for the Esposito surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. If youre interested in connecting with others who share the Esposito surname, the following resources can help: ESPOSITO Family Genealogy Forum: Free message board is focused on descendants of Esposito ancestors around the world.FamilySearch - ESPOSITO Genealogy and Family History: Explore over 350,000 digitized and transcribed historical records, as well as lineage-linked family trees for the Esposito surname.ESPOSITO Surname Mailing List: Free mailing list for researchers of the Esposito surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages.GeneaNet - Esposito Records: GeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Esposito surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries.The Esposito Genealogy and Family Tree Page: Browse family trees and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the last name Esposito from the website of Genealogy Today. Sources: Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Working Poor and Healthcare Free Essays
Cydney Skeens F. B. C Ms. We will write a custom essay sample on The Working Poor and Healthcare or any similar topic only for you Order Now Gaines 9 October 2012 Writing Assignment: The Working Poor Poverty can be defined by the necessities and amenities that one does not have in their life. Due to the expectations created by our society, we have a tendency to judge others based on the clothes they wear or the cars they drive, and we automatically assume that those who cannot afford these luxuries are either uneducated, unskilled or a combination of both. We completely disregard the fact that not all people have control of their financial stability and that anything can damage their current state of wealth. Even the wealthiest of families can find themselves making their way to the bottom due to an unfortunate tragedy such as a death in the family or being laid off from a job, both of which are aspects that cannot be predicted or prevented, and the only thing families can do is accept it. The American Myth claims that someone from the humblest of beginnings can achieve success, but this statement could not be more false. Although a major cause of poverty is financial trouble, a key component that factors in is how the past affects the future. Those who come from troubled beginnings often lead a life of poor behavior and bad decision making skills. Some even work their lives away and still continue to struggle financially, mainly because they had no foundation to build upon due to the fact that they had to start from the absolute bottom. A popular topic of discussion commonly found in politics is the Health Care Reform of 2013-2018. This legislation requires that â€Å"all U. S citizens, with limited expectations, have health insurance coverage and establish the State Exchanges that will make available standardized plan offerings for individuals and certain employers†. The legislation also states that penalties will be assessed to those who are not covered (Banyan LLC). As for the individuals and families who cannot afford it, their financial hardships label them as an exception to those consequences (Banyan LLC). Specifically in the state of Arkansas, many consider President Barack Obama’s health care plan as â€Å"politically toxic†. On August 18th 2012, Governor Mike Beebe spoke at the Democratic Party of Arkansas and openly admitted that, although stating in the past that he would have voted against Obama’s health care reform, he now wants to follow through with the plan and help prevent a â€Å"republican takeover†(Press). Seeing that a quarter of the states working population is uninsured, Beebe believes this will benefit the people who work so hard but are still not able to afford the coverage. â€Å"I think it’s good for our people because it’s helping folks that don’t have insurance now that are working their tails off†(Press). If the expanded Medicaid policy passed, coverage would be offered to all citizens that make up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level (Press). Debbie Willhite, a Democratic Consultant in Little Rock, stated â€Å"we are a very poor state, and nobody needs to be told that. We have an incredible population that is undeserved by health care†(Press). When referring back to the American Myth, those who work hard can make it to the top, we can see that it is directly correlated with Health Care here in the state of Arkansas. Considering that Arkansas is a â€Å"poor state†, Governor Mike Beebe clearly points out the fact that although his people are hard-working citizens, many are still unable to afford a comfortable life style. This includes living without the protection of reliable health insurance coverage. In conclusion, I believe that the overall concept of the Health Care Reform coincides and supports my outlook on poverty. Works Cited Banyan LLC. â€Å"Articles. †Article:Health Care Reform 2013 to 2018. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Oct. 2012. http://www. banyan-llc. com/bc/bc. nsf/archivedarticles/Health-Care-Reform-2013-to-2018. Press, Associated. â€Å"In Arkansas, Governor Changes Course on Health Care to Help Uninsured, Struggling Democrats. †Washington Post. The Washington Post, 25 Sept. 2012. Web. 09 Oct. 2012. http://www. washingtonpost. com/national/in-arkansas-governor-changes-course-on-health-care-to-help-uninsured-struggling-democrats/2012/09/25/068bc94a-0742-11e2-9eea-33 3857f6a7bd_story_1. html. How to cite The Working Poor and Healthcare, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Lord Of THe Flies Defects Of Society free essay sample
Lord Of THe Flies: Defects Of Society Due To Nature Of Individuals Essay, Research Paper Lord of THe Flies: Defects of Society Due to Nature of Persons The venturesome novel, Lord of the Flies, is an enchanting, brave history that depicts the defects of society as the incorrigible nature of persons when they are immature and without an commanding authorization. The writer of the novel, William Golding, was born in Britain, which accounts for the English, cultured characters in the novel. After analyzing scientific discipline at Oxford University for two old ages, he changed his accent as a major to English literature. When World War II broke out in 1939, Golding served in the Royal Navy for five old ages. The atrociousnesss he witnessed changed his position about world # 8217 ; s indispensable nature. He came to believe that there was a really dark and evil side to adult male, which accounts for the barbarous nature of the kids in the novel. He said, # 8220 ; The war was unlike any other fought in Europe. It taught us non contending, political relations, or the follies of patriotism, but about the given nature of man. # 8221 ; After the war he returned to learning and wrote his first novel, Lord of the Flies, which was eventually accepted for publication in 1954. In 1983, the novel received the Baronial Prize and the statement, # 8220 ; [ His ] books are really entertaining and exciting. . . . They have aroused an remarkably great involvement in professional literary critics ( who find ) deep strata of ambiguity and complication in Golding # 8217 ; s work. . . . # 8221 ; ( Baronial Prize commission ) Some conceived the novel as declamatory and didactic. Kenneth Rexroth stated in the Atlantic, # 8220 ; Golding # 8217 ; s novels are rigged.. . . The male childs neer come alive as existent male childs. . . . # 8221 ; Other critics see him as the greatest English author of our clip. In the Critical Quarterly in 1960, C.B. Cox deemed Lord of the Flies as # 8220 ; likely the most of import novel to be published. . . in the 1950 # 8217 ; s. # 8221 ; The scene of the novel takes topographic point on an island in the Pacific Ocean. The writer neer really locates the island in the existent universe or states the exact clip period. The writer does province that the plane transporting the kids had been shot down in a atomic war, so the clip period must be after the devising and the usage of atomic arms. Even though the location of the island is non definite, the writer vividly describes the scene. Golding Tells us that the island is tropical and shaped like a boat. At the low terminal are the jungle and the groves, which rise up to the treeless and bouldery mountain ridge. The beach, gt ; called the cicatrix, is near the warm H2O laguna. On the cicatrix, where the male childs keep their meetings, is a # 8220 ; natural platform of fallen trees. # 8221 ; Far off is the fruit groves which supply the male childs with nutrient. Inland from the laguna is the jungle with hog trails and hanging vines. The island has a mountain that Ralph, Simon, and Jack ascent, and from which they are able to see the terrain. Finally, there is the palace at the other terminal of the island, which rises a 100 pess above the sea and becomes Jack # 8217 ; s central office. Golding gives us a really strong sense of topographic point, and the scene shapes the narrative # 8217 ; s way. At the beginning the male childs view the island as a Eden because it is exuberant and abundant with nutrient. As the fright of the animal grows, nevertheless, it becomes a snake pit in which fire and fright prevail. Even though Golding does non clearly province the scene, a mental image of the island is depicted throughout the novel. The secret plan of the narrative begins when a group of British pupils # 8217 ; plane is shooting down, and they crash on a tropical island. Ralph and Piggy are the first characters introduced, and they find a white conch shell. Ralph blows on the conch, and the other male childs appear. Among them are Jack, Sam, Eric, Simon, and many other male childs who are neer given names. The group elects Ralph as their leader. When the conch calls once more, they talk about a little male child # 8217 ; s fright of a snakelike animal in the forests. Is at that place truly such a animal? The male childs can non agree. Ralph convinces everyone that they need a fire for a signal in instance a ship passes the island, but the male childs find it difficult work maintaining the fire traveling. Jack decides he no longer wants to be portion of Ralph # 8217 ; s group because he would instead Hunt than worry about maintaining the fire combustion. He leaves with everyone except Ralph, Piggy, Sam, Eric, and Simon. In malice of their turning panic of the imagined animal, Jack leads his huntsmans into the jungle for the murder of hogs. They place a hog # 8217 ; s caput on a interest, much like a crude offering to the unknown animal. Then Simon wanders into the forests entirely, has a ictus, and negotiations to the hog # 8217 ; s caput. In Simon # 8217 ; s hallucination the caput becomes the # 8220 ; Lord of the Flies # 8221 ; . Then Simon, terrified and sickened, starts back to where the other male childs are to state them that the animal is a dead adult male who parachuted onto the island. When Simon appears, the male childs kill him, misidentifying him for the animal. The following dark Jack and two huntsmans attack Ralph and Piggy and steal Piggy # 8217 ; s spectacless. Piggy and Ralph go to Jack to acquire back Piggy # 8217 ; s spectacless. 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